DE & I Through Meetings
To fully gain the tremendous benefits of diversity, it must be partnered with genuine inclusion. Meetings are a key mechanism to bring inclusion to life. Each meeting is an opportunity for a leader to enact inclusion values. Meetings are the “front line” for organizational inclusion.
Inclusive Leaders Run Inclusive Meetings
Leaders who run effective meetings act as stewards of everyone's time. It’s common for meeting leaders to be respectful of how they conduct meetings with customers and their bosses. However, the same level of consideration doesn’t always carry over to meetings with direct reports and peers.
Adopting a stewardship mindset results in leaders becoming intentional in how they conduct meetings.
The benefit? Inclusion becomes a forethought rather than an afterthought.
Top Tips to Promote Inclusion Through Meetings
from meeting planning to meeting conclusion
There are 55 million meetings a day in the US alone, thus 55 million opportunities for inclusion. Meetings done right allows unique perspectives, backgrounds, and viewpoints to be leveraged in ways that promote innovation, engagement, and excellent decision making. Meetings done wrong derails inclusion and ultimately the potential of diversity goes unrealized.
Three tips for planning your meeting
#1. Keep the meeting small
#2. Have a compelling agenda
#2.2 Frame your agenda as questions
#3. Set meeting times properly
Five tips for during your meeting
#1. Start on a positive note
#4. Use the power of silence
#2. Establish meeting norms
#5. Use video for virtual meetings
#3. Encourage active facilitation
Three tips for ending your meeting
#1. Act on meeting takeaways
#2. Ask for feedback
#3. Improve future meetings
Workshop to Promote Meeting Inclusiveness
Through this workshop, Dr. Rogelberg shares an exciting evidence-based path for organizations, teams, committees, and leaders to realize the true potential of meetings to build genuine inclusion and assure ROI on what is a massive investment of time. His newest research focusing on maximizing the value of virtual meetings and new approaches to brainstorming will be highlighted in the workshop.
Full Video: How Meetings Can Drive DE&I Progress
In this video, you will learn what we know about meetings from an evidence-based perspective and gain knowledge and resources on how to effectively lead meetings to promote inclusion and effectiveness as well as how organizations can create an engaging culture around meetings so that the incredible power of diversity can be unleashed.