Resources in the Media
Dr. Steven Rogelberg joins Dan Pink on THE PINKCAST, providing three tips on how to make your meetings better.
Colleagues Drs. Steven Rogelberg and John Kello appear on Charlotte Talks to articulate the value of meetings and relay best practices for facilitating and attendee meetings.
Rogelberg featured on POWERLUNCH live to discuss some of the biggest complaints with (and solutions for) workplace meetings.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg presents at TedX UNC Charlotte, on how you can make meetings truly work leveraging the science.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg makes a guest appearance on CBS This Morning to discuss how to make workplace meetings more effective and successful, leveraging the science.
Watch Dr. Steven Rogelberg testify with Congress on the topic of being successful and engaging others in very difficult working environments.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg visits Klaxoon to advocate for the power of using silence as a powerful tool in meetings.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg joins CBC News to explain why we are spending more time in meetings, and why they are making you less productive.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg joins CNN Live to address the implications of eliminating all internal workplace meetings.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg appears live on BBC World News to discuss what is wrong with meetings, and how they can be fixed.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg visits Google to share insights from his leading book, The Surprising Science of Meetings.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg joins the CBS Sunday Morning Show to speak on the pros and cons of effective and ineffective meetings.
Podcast Resources
Watch Dr. Steven Rogelberg featured on The Bregman Leadership Podcast to discuss the science behind leading (and attending) productive and effective meetings.
The Mood of the Meeting: How to Keep Energy Levels High and Be a Good Steward of Time - From SUPERMANAGERS PODCAST
Dr. Steven Rogelberg discusses the irony of a meeting about meetings.
Steven Rogelberg: The surprising science behind how to elevate your meetings (Norges Bank Investment Management)
Magazine & Newspaper Articles
Bloomberg News
“Meetings do control us, and bad meetings have an enormous cost,”
“You get a meeting invite and say, ‘I don’t need to be there,’ yet you say yes — why?”
The New York Times. The Meeting Was Too Long: It Could Have Been an Email
The Washington Post. How to Have More Effective Meetings
The Wall Street Journal. The Science of Better Meetings
Business Insider. This Could Have Been an Email
Quarts Magazine: The People Who Love Meetings are the Managers that Run Them
NPR. Since The Pandemic, is it Better to Have More Meetings at Work or None at All?
BBC Worklife. Does Banning Meetings Help Workers get Back their Time?
The Cut. Meetings Should be Shorter
Inc. How to Make Meetings Less Soul-Sucking
Business Insider. Some of the Best Meetings Involve No Talking
Animal Sheltering MAG. Making Meetings Matter
The New York Times. 6 Tips For Better Meetings
Forbes. Ten Costly Career Mistakes You’re Making Without Realizing
Inc. Successful Teams Come From Leaders Who Do These 5 Things
CNBC. Make Meetings More Productive
WSJ. Don’t Be the Office Schedule-Wrecker
WSJ. No Meetings Allowed: It’s Thinking Thursday
Forbes. Just Say No: How Your Meeting Habit Is Harming You
NY MAG. How Not to Be Late: A Self-Help Guide for Bill de Blasio
CIO. Eight Steps to More Effective Meetings
APA. Meetings Frustrate Task-oriented Employees
Science Daily. Scientific Study Finds Meetings At Work Decrease Employee Well-being, But Not For Everyone
SHRM. Fewer Meetings Can Boost Employee and Organization Productivity
Telegraph. The Truth About Work: Secretly, the Staff Rather Love Those Office Meetings
Scientific American. Meetings Are Great
Financial Times. Improve Job Satisfaction and Abolish Meetings
Forbes. 10 Costly Career Mistakes You're Making Without Realizing