There is an exciting evidence-based path forward for improving our meetings and making them more effective and inclusive. Is it possible to achieve meeting perfection? Probably not, but with intentionality, leveraging the science, you can turn your meetings into efficient, engaging and inclusive events. While you can’t control other’s meetings, you control your own. You can make excellent meeting choices. You can be the example that you hope others will follow in promoting effectiveness and inclusion. Each meeting is your opportunity to do your small part in promoting team success and inclusion. Let’s each commit to fixing our meetings, and making them better and more inclusive, one meeting at a time.
Thanks, Steven Rogelberg | stevenrogelberg@gmail.com|
“Steven Rogelberg knows more about how to improve meetings than anyone on earth.”
— Adam Grant, Ph.D., #1 New York Times bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and HIDDEN POTENTIAL, and host of the TED podcast WorkLife
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“Steven Rogelberg is one of the most important leadership thinkers writing today.”
— Dean Stamoulis, Ph.D., Managing Director, Russell Reynolds Associates
“The world’s leading scholar of meetings unpacks the most important meeting of all — direct conversations between managers and team members. Rooted in deep research and replete with actionable takeaways, this book will transform how — and why — you conduct these essential encounters. GLAD WE MET is an urgent read for anyone trying to find their footing on the modern workplace’s new terrain."
— Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of TO SELL IS HUMAN and DRIVE
“Starting, growing, and maintaining any business requires attracting and nurturing good people. And one of the best — and also most underutilized — tools in fostering talent is the 1:1 meeting. In this highly practical book, meetings expert Steven Rogelberg shares powerful science to inform and elevate these crucial interactions. Read Glad We Met — you and your team will be glad you did!”
— Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
Media and Presentation Highlight Reel
Congressional Appearance
Dr. Rogelberg was invited and testified to the US Congress (2022) on the topic of Being successful and engaging others in very difficult working environments – using organizational psychology to elevate members of congress, their staffs, and the institution.
Why Meetings Suck and How to Improve Them
Dr. Steven Rogelberg joins Dr. Adam Grant to discuss tips on how to improve ineffective meetings.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg features on CNN.
Dr. Steven Rogelberg feature on CBC News.
The Surprising Science of Meetings: How To Lead Your Team To Peak Performance
"Top 14 business books everyone will be reading.”
– Business Insider
“Top 20 books you need to read.”
— Forbes
“Our 10 favorite new books for people managers.”
“Top 20 books that guide better business decisions.”
— Get Abstract
“The #1 Leadership Book to watch out for”
— The Washington Post
Dr. Steven Rogelberg
Meeting Scientist from UNC Charlotte joins CBS this morning to discuss meeting quality and effectiveness.
”A world without meetings is not the answer....in many regards organizational democracy takes places in meetings…it represents an evolution over command and control systems of the industrial revolution”
Four ways to make meetings more productive
Dr. Steven Rogelberg stopped by WBTV QC@3 to discuss ways to make a meeting more productive
About Steven Rogelberg
Steven G. Rogelberg is Chancellor's Professor at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is a professor of Organizational Science, Management, and Psychology and the founding Director of Organizational Science at UNC, Charlotte. He has over 150 publications addressing issues such as team effectiveness, leadership, engagement, health and employee well-being, meetings at work, and organizational research methods. He is editor of the Journal of Business and Psychology. Dr. Rogelberg has received over $2,500,000 of external grant funding including from the National Science Foundation.
Awards and honors include receiving the 2022 Raymond A. Katzell Award for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the 2017 Humboldt Award, the 2019 recipient of the First Citizens Bank Scholar Award, being the inaugural winner of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Humanitarian Award, receiving the SIOP Distinguished Service Award, Bowling Green State University (BGSU) Master Teacher Award, Psi Chi Professor of the Year Award, Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and serving as the 2000 BGSU graduation commencement speaker.
He is currently Immediate Past President of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (and executive board member) and the past Secretary General of the Alliance for Organizational Psychology. He served SIOP in a host of additional roles including Executive Board Member, Research & Science Officer, Chair of Education & Training, and Program Chair.
His research has been profiled on television (CBS This Morning, BBC world), radio (e.g., NPR, CBC, CBS), newspapers (e.g., Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, London Guardian) and magazines (e.g., National Geographic, Forbes, Scientific American Mind).
Rogelberg was invited and testified to the US Congress (2022) on the topic of being successful and engaging others in very difficult working environments – using organizational psychology to elevate members of congress, their staffs, and the institution.
Dr. Rogelberg has run three consulting centers, engaged with many Fortune 100 companies, and served on multiple advisory boards. He founded and currently directs two large outreach initiatives, spanning 8 universities, focusing on nonprofit organization effectiveness. Over 1,000 nonprofits have been served.
Before completing his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Connecticut in 1994, he received his undergraduate B.Sc. degree from Tufts University in 1989.
His last book, The Surprising Science of Meetings, was named by The Washington Post as one of the 10 books to watch for in 2019 and Business Insider as one of the “Top 14 business books everyone will be reading in 2019.”
Dr. Rogelberg’s new book focusses on one-on-one meetings. In this book, Rogelberg presents strategies to elevate 1:1 meetings, unleashing the true potential of these transformative interactions.